Siobhan Lily joined our family on Monday 11/7/11 at 10:32pm. 8lbs 20.5in. Exactly one week past her due date as I predicted. The day she was born I had an OB appointment in the morning and was still 3cm as I had been for the last week or so. Having no contractions at all. Watched my friends daughter for a couple hours. At 3 pm I slipped and fell in the laundry room and fell flat on my back. Hurt my ankle alittle but nothing else. At 6pm Juliet pooped in the bath and I got to clean that mess up. At 7pm I had one tiny contraction, wasn't even sure it was one. Followed by two more that hour.
At 8:30 I called the OB since they were about 5-10min apart by then but still rather faint and I wasn't sure if and when to go to the hospital. She said I needed contractions 5 minutes apart for an hour that are strong enough so I can't walk or talk through them. Called grandma & friends to be on call for the night. Grandma headed over to spend the night. Contractions came less frequently then & I thought is was a false alarm and tried to go back to bed.
At 9pm they were coming every 3 minutes but still not unbearable so called the OB again and she said to come on down if I wanted to. Dilly dallied around at home making a few calls and tidying up. Told my sisters not to rush down, we'd get a room and give them a call. Figured I'd be there all night.
Got to the hospital just after 10pm and the contractions were pretty strong by then and still 3 min apart. Decided I wanted the epidural. They said they'd get right on it. And they were talking about maybe calling in the OB. Got checked in and checked and I was 7 cm! Walked me to my room and got in bed and my water broke(10:20?). Treeva arrived, Tasha thought she had time for a shower first.
Asked again about the epidural, they said it would be there in 10 minutes or so and I told them I didn't think I had that long. The doctor is still not there. I start pushing and they go frantically looking for the doctor. OB runs in just in time to catch her head. 2 pushes and she was out. So 3.5 hours from first measly contraction to holding my baby. No pain meds, and really it wasn't so bad. The contractions were strong, but not for long. So yeah, if we would have waited any longer I would have been having that baby in the car or lobby! Juliet was just about 24 hours from start to finish. Next time I know to hurry!
Juliet loves baby sister. She is so sweet with her, if alittle too rough sometimes. I love seeing my little girls together.
Siobhan seems like an easy baby. I think it's cause I actually know what I'm doing this time and can better anticipate her needs. Also feeding her more, instead on on a schedule or something like I thought I needed with Juliet, whenever she squeaks I feed her. And then she sleeps. She is so cute when she sleeps, and nurses, and looks around. Oh I just love a newborn. So floppy and soft and silky. Cute little squeaks and noises. So much fun!
Baked Fajita Sliders
8 hours ago