Amy tagged me for this thing everyone is doing where you write 8 facts about you and tag eight more people so here goes.
1. I have had grey hairs since I was like 17, a handful on both sides and a few on the top of my head. I don't dye them or anything but I do pull out any visible ones, Dan is 29 now and still not a grey hair! SO not fair!
2. I love to ride my bike to work. It makes me feel so great and it saves time by combining my commute and my excercise time.
3. I am VERY allergic, especially to animals, but I couldn't bear to part with any of my pets so I just suffer through it. (I am getting allergy shots and taking some medication now so that helps a ton)
4. I am, as Dan so correctly stated, an "eye rubber"; constantly with my fingers in my eyes until they are very irritated and red and swollen. It used to be from my allergies but now I think it is just habit.
5. Dan has affectionately nicknamed me "snot monkey" (again, because of the allergies)
6. I like to wear red. I have always wanted to be that super sexy, mysterious "woman in red"........yeah you know what I am talking about :)
7. I carry 5 separate knives in my purse(a few large and small pocket knives and a 7 inch survival dagger that I can strap to my leg); you know, for self defense.......................... and hangnails.
8. I want nothing more than to be a homemaker, to cook and clean, and take care of Dan and our babies...maybe some people might think that is lame but it is my biggest dream. Annie know's what I am talkin' about.
And now you know.......................I tag Annie Callister, Brandi Clark, Treeva, Tasha, Ashley Wimmer, Krystine, Amanda House and Jennavier Gilbert. For those of you who don't have a blog you can just click on the "comments" link for this post and post your list there if you want to. Love you guys!!!
Chamonix day 6
18 hours ago
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