I started back to work this week, 4 hours a day. The hardest part has been getting out the door in the morning. I mean I just have this one additional little person but for some reason that makes 4 extra bags to carry! I'm sure I'll get it all streamlined sooner or later. Juliet has been doing very well with grandma watching her; being happy & taking a bottle. It's hard to leave her, but it is so lovely to get an excited smile from her when I come to pick her up. Unfortunately it seems my three month maternity vacation(mostly spent in my house away from people) has weakened my immune system. Just as soon as I spent a day or two in public last week I come down with a nasty cold. Bah! No fun...but at least I have managed not to share it with Juliet or Dan. I have been doing alot of sewing. Mostly on custom cloth diapers that I am going to try selling. Because yeah, cloth diapers are awesome!
That's a little update. And now for my favorite part...PICTURES!
Once upon a time I was taking pictures of me & the wee babe when suddenly...
spit up happened! Ahhh!!! And now it is is caught on camera. Thats right... caught mid-spit up and I even unknowingly made a face to go with it. Although check out Juliet's face...oh dear :)
Baked Fajita Sliders
8 hours ago