Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby Bump

Here are some pictures of my 20 week baby bump. We're halfway there! I have my ultrasound tomorrow to find out what we are having. So exciting!!!

...and thanks to photoshop...a preview of what I might look like in a few months :)


Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Oh look you are getting a tiny baby bump! How exciting. I can't wait to find out what you are having. My guess is a boy, but we'll see...I am suspense. I love the photoshop pic, it is totally what happens. It is amazing how the first 20 weeks, not too much...then 20 weeks later HUGE!!! Have fun, the next 20 weeks are great. Feeling the baby move, hiccups, seeing your belly grow. It is great. I only have 19 days left and I can't wait to be done. You will get there too! It is all worth it. Can't wait to hear what you are having.

Annie and Jake Callister said...

ha ha ha. that photoshop pic is so funny!!!! I don't even know how to do that in photoshop.

Kimi said...

I can't wait to hear what you guys are having!I am guessing a boy too.
Yep you do have a little belly bump but not to big.
I love the photoshop pic that was too funny!
20 weeks will fly by! Ok so 16 of them will and the last 4 will probably drag on, but when you look back they will all have gone by supper fast.


What belly bump?? I see nothing! :) You look great... and I love the photoshop picture - pretty accurate!