Why oh why am I having such a hard time finding girls names I like. If we were having a boy it would be some much easier. I have had a list of good, strong, manly boys names forever. Not over-used, not crossover names. It seems so much easier to name a boy. It just needs to be a good strong name, sound good with the last name that he will have all his life, & if it means something cool thats all right too. Girls on the other hand; I just feel so much more pressure. It needs to be girly(again with the no crossover names) but not icky sweet girly. It should probably means something nice & feminine. Not over-used, but yet not too obscure or Eugene-ish. It can't be some famous actress's name or used in some well known movie. Or any name ruined by mean and stupid girls from school(That ruled out alot of cool names I would have liked). Something that pairs well with her maiden name; but also something that will go well with her future married name(without having a clue what that might be at this time & junction). There are just so many things to consider when naming a girl. Not to mention Dan & I both have to agree on it, which is harder that it should be.
Oh well, maybe we will end up having to meet her first before the inspiration will come :)
Names, names, names...Adela Adelaide Adelina Alice Aurora Avalyn/Aveline Bella Bianca Breila Brielle Britta Cecily Charlotte Channa Chenoa Cordelia Danya Daunita Eavan Edwena Elanora Elina Ella Ellie Esme Esther Eviana Fianna Fiona Gazelle Giselle Gwendolyn Liahona Mabelle Mahala Marared Marguerite Merielle/Meriel/Meriol Miriam/Merriam Okalani Ronwyn Sabine Sarai Shannon/Shanon Siobhan Sparrow Sorrel Tava Vivia Wendy Willow Winnie
Thankfully my parents named me. I like my name. It sounds cool & has many nice meanings(it's a constellation, "cutie" in Italian & "darling" in Spanish, it is also the breast bone of a bird). When I was little though I didn't like it. I wanted to be named Heart (as in the bodily organ).
Chamonix day 6
19 hours ago
Carina you crack me up. It is so hard to come up with a name for your child. Easton wasn't named until after he was born, Steve and I couldn't agree on anything.
I just saw Sparrow on your list and although it's a bird, it totally caught my eye and I think it's such a cute name! Plus, it totally goes with the whole "breast bone of a bird" thing. Good luck, it's so hard but I'm sure you'll pick the perfect name for your perfect little girl.
You and I should swap lists because girl names are always easier for me than boy names. Then again, you've got a pretty good list going already!
At the hospital, I heard a couple say they weren't telling anyone their baby's name until their baby was born so it could be a surprise for everyone else. I thought that was a much cooler way of putting it than Jeremy and I's response of "We can't agree on a name yet."
PS - that twilight video had me lol'ing. :)
So, Dave and I had a difficult time with the name thing and I thought like you that I needed to have a list of names and just wait to meet her before I could name her. As you may have seen we even put the list on the blog for voting. Well, just last week the name came to me and David however we have decided not to tell anyone the name but we both feel that it is perfect for our little girl. We aren't telling anyone because we don't want anyone to poo poo it or say anything that it reminds them of something not so good or whatever.
I do feel your pain and wish you guys all the best of luck! We ended up checking out like 4 books from the library to come up with names and the name we chose is a name that has been in my head since the beginning however not seriously considering it. Funny how things work like that!
Are you showing yet? You need to post some pictures girl!! How are you feeling anyway?!
The name will come to you guys when it is right. Sometimes you have to see the child first before you know you picked the right name. Sometimes I think we picked the wrong name, but honestly Jon and I feel so confident that are daughter was suppose to be named Addison. You will find the right name. Try calling your baby by different names to see which ones she responses to. That might help out your decision.
So Cute. You've got sooo many cute names to choose from. Whatever name you choose will fit her perfectly. Congrats and good luck!
Sean and I had a girl's name all picked out before the ultrasound - no decision yet on a boy's name. Of course, it was a boy! I thought girl names were a lot easier, but now that we've had a boy, I'm not so sure.
I think you've got a pretty good list going. I have a cousin that was just named Alice and a niece named Ella. Both are good names. I like a lot of your 'A' names - Avalyn/Aveline and also Brielle. How do you pronounce the one Dan wants - Siobhan? What's the meaning?
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