Saturday we hiked Mt. June. in Pleasant Hill. It was a lovely & long drive out to the middle of nowhere. The guide book said the hike was easy. I would say moderate, at least. It was only a mile to the top but it ascended 1000 ft. SO yeah it was steep. We attempted to have Juliet in the jogging stroller but the trail was too rugged for that, so we ended up taking turns carrying her to the top. She had a great time just sleeping in our arms. Hiking isn't much work when someone carries you the whole way. But it's alot of work to carry someone, even if they are just 13 lbs. We ended up with sore backs & some beautiful pictures. Could have been much more beautiful though if it had been a clear day. We did get a wee bit of snow though!
New friends: Juliet with Bella Stockdale. They were awfully cute together there on the floor. I can't wait until they can play.
Juliet's Easter dress I made for her.
Baked Fajita Sliders
8 hours ago