Juliet accompanied me to the Knife Show this year. She did wonderfully. Took plenty of naps, smiled & cooed on cue for everyone & didn't fuss & cry. What a wonderful baby I have.
Our new car! We traded Dan's cute 2-door Civic for this more family friendly 4-door Toyota Camry. It has AC...it is awesome.
Our first family protest was at the local "Tea Party" on tax day at the post office. We waved signs in protest of higher taxes & big government and had a grand old time. My sign says "politicians are like diapers, they should be changed often & for the same reason" - Mark Twain.
It was a great turnout & we got a very positive response. Most people honked & waved. Only one person I saw flipped us off. I guess I'm not alone here after all. It appears that Glenn Beck was right, "we DO surround them."
I can't believe it's been 4 months already. Really, where does the time go?
You guys are looking good. Juliet is such a cutie.
New car! I've wanted a Camry for a while, but since our car runs great then we really don't need a different car.
Mom sure loves holding your little one. It's cute to go over there and see her with a lap full of grandkids.
OK= i love the pics and this protest, where did you hear about this? Where was it? was it the one in salem encouraged by glen beck? i woudl have loved to go
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