Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Juliet's 4 Month Old Stats

Juliet is 4 months old. Crazy huh!

13lbs 9oz (50th percentile)
24in long (75th percentile)

She likes to blow razzberries. She loves shopping cart rides & stroller rides. She smiles alot & puts on a good show for friends & strangers alike. She loves her Grandmas, especially grandma Hallock who watches her while I work. Juliet likes to be upright, she does not like being held football style because it impedes her looking around. She can wear awesome pigtails. She likes to put things in her mouth, namely her hands & clothes, but anything else will do. She sleeps well through the night & falls asleep on her own without needing any coaxing(usually). She is a very happy little girl.

Doctor says she is growing well & is in excellent health. She hates shots of course. She is such a sweet & happy little person & we are so grateful to have her in our lives.

1 comment:

Megan and Greg said...

Man, 4 months already! Sounds like she is such a good baby. That's great! I can't believe she sleeps so well! The baby I nanny for will still cry all night long and he is over a year, now.